You are here: Purchasing > Goods Received Notes > Warehouse Receiving > Receive More or Less Than Transferred

Receive More or Less Than Transferred

Different quantities than what was transferred can be received in as follows:


More than transferred

1. Load Stock Details box for the relevant part number
2. Click Add Stock and a new line is added to the grid
3. Complete the quantity received and serial number/bin location details if used and click OK
4. Repeat for other part numbers
5. Save and activate
6. SOH > Transaction tab reflects the additional stock added. Note the price difference. The additional stock line is added at Last Cost and no additional charges are added to that value.

Less than transferred 

1. Type in the quantity being received and the Quantity Received dialogue box is automatically loaded
2. Complete the quantity received against each stock line and serial number/bin location details if used and click OK
3. Repeat for other part numbers
4. Tick Close Transfer, save and activate
5. A message displays 'Not all the stock has been received. Do you still want to close the transfer?'
6. Click Yes and the difference between the two amounts is written off

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